Plant for Sun & Shade – 15 Recommendations
Useful Landscaping Ideas, Tips and Best Practices concerning landscape and garden design, xeriscape and hardscape design, construction, installation and maintenance in the Dallas and surrounding North Texas area. For more information, call 214.987.0006.
Let's discuss your outdoor work of art.

Plant for Abundant Color and Bloom
Art That Grows would like to put a smile on your face every-time you step outdoors! Spring is here and we're ready - and still able - to update the annual color for your home.
For shade to partial shade, we recommend Hydrangea, Begonias, Caladiums, Coleus, Impatiens, Ferns and Hibiscus.

For sun, the plants are: Angelonia, Dianthus, Lantana, Alyssum, Penta, Periwinkle, Potato Vine, Salvia, and Vinca.
Our spring planting runs from April 20 thru May. Please let us know your plant choices and color preferences. We are also glad to help you with that decision.
Let us add spring and summer color to your landscape so that every time you step outside your home brings a smile to your face with an email to or call to Art That Grows at 214-987-0006.