Useful Ideas, Tips and Best Practices concerning landscape and garden design, xeriscape and hardscape design, construction, installation and maintenance in the Dallas and surrounding North Texas area. For more information, call 214.987.0006.
Let's discuss your outdoor work of art.

Perfect Practice, Makes Practice Perfect And, with your landscape and garden, following the best seasonal practices for our North Texas climate requires a merit-badge quality company to prepare for your lush, flourishing 2025 landscape. Follow these practice-perfect-practices at Art That Grows.
10 Soil Preparation essentials to creating a healthy landscape and garden:
Remove leaves, twigs, and dead plants
Till soil
Add and turn-in 2” – 3” of engineered soil with compost enriched organic matter that supports actual plant growth
Cover your beds with 3” – 4” layer of mulch to mitigate weed growth or
Use a weed and feed to stop germination
Replace nutrients with organic or select chemical fertilizers
Mix-in small amount of Bonemeal or Superphosphate per square yard
Make sure that irrigation is in place (before planting)
Ensure proper drainage
Consider area lighting (before planting)
Prepare now with a free landscape and garden consultation with Art That Grows. Send us a message using the form below, email to or call to Art That Grows at 214-987-0006.